Content and copywriting

Good content gets you sales. Are you missing out?

Writing is the ultimate sales tool. It gives your brand cohesive, clear messaging. It informs. And most importantly, it sells. If your content is inadequate, you’re missing out on valuable sales. You are sending your customers over to your competitors.

You want your website to invite people in and get them to read more. To find out about your product or service. To understand why your company is the best. Your content should convince them to take action, to contact you, to buy, to sign up to your newsletter.

You need content that’s in your voice to strengthen your brand. It gives you a professional edge that potential customers will favour over your competitors. It positions you as a market leader.

What about SEO content?

Your primary concern should be about providing value to your customers. Forget about writing for Google algorithms. Well-written, informative, helpful content is still the best on-page SEO strategy. While there are technical elements that help, a great SEO strategy is around great, helpful content for your customers. From strategy to execution, NeonTrumpet’s team create content that your customers will love and helps your Google rankings too.

Content writing is what we do best.

Contact us. Tell us about your business, your brand, your goals. We will work together to create a plan for your website and marketing that’s holistic. There’s no word salad or horrible SEO keywords shoved into places they don’t fit. It’s about great writing that your customers love. It’s telling your story in a way that inspires people to trust you, and buy from you. It’s just what we do.